WHAT KIND of KING? CHRIST the KING--Luke 23:33-43

First, we need to
recognize that kingship was central to Christ’s mission. Matthew, Mark, and
Luke speak with one voice in telling us that at the very beginning of his
ministry, Jesus announced that the “kingdom
of God ” was drawing near. A kingdom implies a ruler and realm. Then at
the end of his life, the Gospels record an inscription on the cross, ‘This is
the King of the Jews’. But Jesus upended
and undermined the whole concept of kingship. This world’s kingdoms are about
power and prestige; Jesus was about service and humility. The rulers of this
world are about coercion and violence; Jesus’ life was characterized by peace
and reconciliation. Kings surround themselves with subservient aristocratic courts,
servants and subjects. Jesus chose the lowly, the poor, and the unclean as his
Secondly, we see
what kind of king Jesus is by the sayings of Jesus from the cross. One of the
powers of kings is to pardon those accused of crimes. The irony of the
crucifixion is that Jesus was sentenced to die for claiming to be a king. However,
even while being nailed to the cross, Jesus demonstrated that it was his
executioners who were in need of pardon and he alone had the power to grant it.
“Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” In pardoning those who were executing him,
Jesus showed us the power of forgiveness. Forgiveness frees not only those who
are forgiven; it also frees the forgiver. When we forgive, we release ourselves
from the chains of anger and resentment.
In another saying,
Jesus speaks to the penitent thief and promises him that he will be with Jesus
in Paradise .
Kings and rulers are usually surrounded by throngs of groupies or hanger-on-ers. One thinks of Louis the Fourteenth’s palace at Versailles ,
deliberately built to keep France ’s
nobles occupied in an endless round of meaningless ceremonies so that they
would have no time to plot against the king. In contrast, Jesus surrounded
himself with the outcasts and the marginalized. He crossed social, moral, and
religious boundaries by accepting women as disciples. He went against religious regulation and
touched the lepers. His critics charged that he ate and drank with sinners, thieves
and prostitutes. One Bishop remarked that Jesus does the same thing every time
we celebrate the Eucharist!
Poignantly, the penitent thief
pleaded, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus replied, ‘Today you will be with me in Paradise ’. “Remembrance”
is central to Jewish thought. When the Israelites were slaves in Egypt , Exodus
tells us that God “remembered” the covenant he had made with the patriarchs.
The kind of remembering that God did in Exodus and that the thief was asking
Jesus to do is not the opposite of forgetting; it is the opposite of dismissing
or excluding. The thief was asking to be included, to be made a part of Jesus’ kingdom.
The Crucified and Risen Christ
remembers not only us but also the forgotten, neglected and marginalized; he
remembers us as we are – with strengths and weaknesses, the good and bad, successes and failures. “Lord Jesus, remember me when you come into
your kingdom,” prayed the penitent thief; but it is our prayer, too. Indeed, it
may be the one of the most important prayers that we pray. Like the thief
crucified beside Jesus, we pray that we may be a part of the great kingdom Christ
is building in this world and the next.
A third way we see what kind of kings Jesus is, is by the way he
is enthroned. The way to Christ’s throne
was not the royal enthronement of pomp and circumstance in a grand cathedral. His enthronement was the crucifixion, the
cross. It was a shameful death, the
death of one who was cursed. His shame
was our glory. His curse was our
redemption. There was no royal robe, but
he was stripped in disgrace. There was
no golden jewelled crown, but a crown of thorns. This is our king, the son of God who chooses
to be born in manager, to live a simple life of a labourer. He came not be to be served but to serve and
to give his life as a ransom. He came
not to command, but to obey his heavenly father. He came not for fame and fortune, but to be
rejected and despised by those in authority and power so that he might be our
Lord and King.
His rule is never imposed or
forced. He comes in love to those who
welcome him in simple faith. His judgment
is only against those who trust in their own righteousness and who live only
for themselves; against those who chose evil and wickedness to oppress and harm
others. From the cross, God exalted Jesus
to his right hand on high where he does not rule with force, but with love and
patience, calling you and me into his outstretched arms. Jesus is Christ the King. He is a king like no other. His kingdom is our hearts; his followers, the
needy and despised, sinners like you and me.
He rules with forgiveness. No one
who comes to him in humility is rejected. His throne is a cross. He invites you and me to turn to him in faith
and to let him be Lord of Lord and King of Kings in our heart and lives, in our
homes and in our churches.
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