What are you searching for? The wise men were searching for the King of
the Jews. Why? They had everything, wealth, status,
wisdom. They had no apparent reason to
go looking for something more. From our
perspective, they had it all. Was it
mere curiosity because of the star? I
think it was more.
Most people want to know the meaning of life in
some sense. Most young people as they
transition from puberty to adulthood are full of ideals and try to find a
reason to be and a distinct personal identity that fits that reason. For many young people that search ends in a
kind of emptiness. The world offers this
glittery image of success as wealth and status, a form of celebrity. Reality TV only reinforces that, when
everyone seems to be able to have their 15 minutes of fame or an instant rise
to stardom. People start to think they
have the right to deserve it all.
For others, the dream job never happens. The employment and the responsibility rut with bills to pay, duties at work, duties at home, etc. guts them of any sense of
meaning. So life becomes a treadmill of making do. Excitement or any sense of momentary pleasure
comes from transitory highs like alcohol, drugs, sex, clubbing, the pub, etc.
For some, life comes down to relationships and
feeling loved. And being loved and
loving is truly one of life’s golden treasures and a worthy pursuit. But few of us truly know how to love and to
be loved. Many today do not know how to
have a long term meaningful relationship.
As soon as a relationship stops being exciting, as soon as it starts
being hard work, many people bail on the relationship and start a new one. The relationship cycle goes on, round and
What are you
searching for? The wise men wanted something
more. They looked up to the heavens for
signs and portents that signalled something extraordinary, something
transcendent. They wanted more from life
than their immediate tangible earthly success.
In fact, they wanted it so much they were willing to go on a journey to
find it. This was no easy journey. Oh yes their wealth probably made it as
comfortable as possible for them. They
no doubt had slaves and servants to wait on them and guards to protect them
from attack. They had resources to
replace the worn out camel and pay for whatever they needed. Still it was a long and dangerous trip. And they did not know exactly where it would
take them. They embarked in faith.
Sometimes to
find what we want in life, it takes a bit of faith, a bit of commitment, a bit
of investment of our resources be it time, money or effort. The stupid myth that we deserve it, that it
should all come to us easy and without any pain or exertion is absurd. Another myth that we often live with is that
I can have the maximum return with a minimum of effort. It is true that sometimes life feels too
complicated and takes too much effort. Sometimes
we look at life thinking that it should not be so hard. Like the wise men, however, sometimes to find
what we are looking for means we have to invest some real effort and to step out in
Finding real
meaning can be dangerous and counter cultural.
It certainly was for the wise men.
Herod was not too happy to hear of this other king. And in the end he tried to kill the child
they were searching for. The wise men on
finding the child knelt in homage, in worship.
Imagine three very wealthy, sophisticated, well dressed old men, on
their knees in front of a baby in the house of a poor carpenter. The scene is too bizarre to imagine. Sometimes the search has to be flexible, open
ended, open to new possibilities, open to guidance and the wisdom of others. Sometimes
what we are searching for is not found in the place we expect. Sometimes what we are really looking for is
not what we think or imagine.
What are you
searching for?
But now I want to tell you something incredible. Life is not primarily about your search. Epiphany is about the truth that God has come searching for you and me. There he is in that little baby, God incarnate, God enfleshed for you and me to see. Epiphany is God appearing; God revealed to you and me and to the world. God in human form so God can be with us, touch us, speak to us, and show love for us. Epiphany is the revelation that God is searching for us, reaching out to us, coming to find us. It is a mission of love and grace and truth. Our challenge is to not turn away, to not go our own way, to not go on some endless search that takes us away from God. Our challenge is to kneel in worship and to offer him our gift, the gift of ourselves, the gift of our life. This Epiphany find life in the Christ child who comes to bring us life, abundant and eternal life. This Epiphany, stop searching and let God find you.
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